The Basics for Learners of Africa

The Basics for Learners of  Africa
Motoji Matsuda (ed.)

186 mm x 130 mm
356 pages
JPY 2,500
ISBN 9784790717829
Pub date: April 2023

Learn about the world’s future from Africa. To overcome the conventional perception of Africa as a “bailout” or “source of resources,” and to learn about “Africa’s potential”, the power that Africa has nurtured to resolve difficulties and create livelihoods and culture. 

Points of Appeal
1) Learn about Africa’s geography, history, politics, society and culture
2) Renews the image of Africa from that we can learn the wisdom of living

Table of Contents

Part 1: Learning diversity

  1. Ethnicity and culture
  2. Language
  3. Ecological environment 
  4. Livelihood

 Column: Asia in Africa

Part 2: Studying the past

  1. The birth of mankind 
  2. The old kingdoms
  3. Slave trade 
  4. Colonial rule and independence

 Column: Beginning of excavation in West Africa

Part 3: Study of Contemporariness

  1. Popular art 
  2. Lifestyle 
  3. Marriage and family 
  4. Religious life 

 Column: Exclusionism and #RhodesMustFal
 Column: Relationship between Japan and Africa based on human migration

Part 4: Learning from difficulties

  1. Political upheava 
  2. Economic upheaval and development assistance 
  3. Nature conservation and local people 
  4. Infectious diseases 

 Column: Gorilla tourism
 Column: The newest independent country and its collapse

Part 5: Learning about hope

  1. Indigenous knowledge 
  2. Helping each other
  3. Reconciliation and symbiosis 

 Column: Starting a business in Africa: Saraya’s trajectory
 Column: Building a school in a Kenyan slum

Conclusion: Looking to the future
List of required reading / Country data sheets / Index


