Japanese Society and Culture

Japanese Society and Culture

● House and Village
1 The Spirit of the Natural Village
  Eitaro Suzuki, Principles of Japanese Rural Sociology (Matsumura, Kazunori)
2 The Household Union as a Family Group
  Kizaemon Aruga, Nihon kazoku seido to kosaku seido [The Japanese Family System and the Small Farmer System] (Teruyuki Torigoe)
3 Family System Ideology
  Takeyoshi Kawashima, "Nihon shakai no kazoku-teki kosei" [The Family System as Ideology] (Hideki Nakazato)
4 Performance-Based Ye Societies
  Taisuke Murakami, Shumpei Kumon, and Seizaburo Sato, "Ye Shakai as Civilization" (Takeshi Nagatani)

5 In the Shadow of Modernization
  Gennosuke Yokoyama, Nihon no shitaishakai [Japan's Underclass Society] (Hideo Aoki)
6 History of Everyday Experience
  Kunio Yanagida, Meiji Taisho Shi Seisou Hen (Meiji Taisho Shi Seisou Hen) (Kenji Sato)
7 Modernization and Religion
  Beller, Religion in the Tokugawa Era (Mitsuru Hashimoto)
8 Endogenous Factors of Modernization
  Jiro Kamishima, The Spiritual Structure of Modern Japan (Yushi Kitano)
9 The Role of Common Morality
  Yoshio Yasumaru, Modernization of Japan and Popular Thought (Koh Kawada)
10 Sociology of Knowledge of "Modernity
  10 Sociology of Knowledge of "Modernity" Yukito Karatani, "The Origin of Japanese Modern Literature" (Yusuke Matsuura)

Relationships and Values
11 The Aesthetic Sense of "Iki
  Shuzo Kuki, The Structure of "Iki" (Nozomu Ikei)
12 Culture of Shame
  Benedict, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword (Yoshiya Soeda)
13 Common people's life in the city
  Dore, The Japanese in the City (Manabu Ajisaka)
14 The Richness of Lifestyles
  Tsunekazu Miyamoto, Forgotten Japanese (Tomio Tani)
15 The salaryman as a social stratum
  Vogel, Japan's New Middle Class (Fumiaki Ojima)
16 Principle of Group Formation
  Chie Nakane, Human Relations in Tate-Society (Junhee Huang)
17 "Amae
  Kenro Doi, The Structure of "Amae" (Yusuke Okamoto)
18 Drama of Maturity
  Plath, The Japanese Way of Life (Kobayashi Tatsuko)
19 The Ego in Consumer Society
  Masakazu Yamazaki, The Birth of Soft Individualism (Keiko Nakae)
20 Genealogy of Japanese Theory
  Hiroshi Minami, Nihonjinron (Japanese Theory) (Kiyotake Okawa)

Politics and Issues
21 Political Thought in Japan
  Masao Maruyama, Ideas and Actions in Contemporary Politics, Japanese Thought (Chikanobu Dojo)
22 Eyes on Asia
  Takeuchi Yoshi, Beyond Modernity (Yoshida Tomio)
23 Implicit Power Structure
  Wolfgang Wolfgang Wolfgang, Japan: The Mystery of the Power Structure (Satoshi Kotani)
24 The Emperor System
  Field, In the Land of the Emperor's Death (Hiroki Uda)
25 Foreign Residents
  25 Foreign Residents: Gaikokujin Shakudojin to Nihon no Chiiki Shakai (Michihiro Okuda, Yasuo Hirota and Junko Tajima: Gaikokujin Shakudojin to Nihon no Chiiki Shakai) (Kizane Tawara)

index of persons/index of items/index of authors

